Personnel Information

Who? What? Where?

Who? What? Where? – Parent Edition

Below are many common departmental questions and the name of the person best suited to help you in their regard. If at any time you are unsure of who the best person to ask is in any given area, feel free to direct your query to any of our receptionists, and they will direct you to the proper individual. Click Here to download a copy.

Topic of Inquiry

Point Person

Executive Assistants & Office Managers

Assistant to Rabbi Reuven Feinberg

Mrs. Rebecca Hochman

Assistant to Mrs. Leah Mond

Mrs. Baila Berman

Assistant to Rabbi Shalom Muskat

Ms. Malka Rappaport

Assistant to Rabbi Rafi Draiman

Mrs. Penina Baldinger

Assistant to Rabbi Yoel Chanalesg

Mrs. Nadine Rosenblatt

Assistant to Mrs. Jacy Orlinsky

Mrs. Fran Gilinsky

Assistant to Rabbi Eli Zoldan

Mrs. Nechama Kopelman

Assistant to Mrs. Gita Guttman

Ms. Raena Hordish

Assistants to Dr. Jordana Carmel

BMS: Mrs. Nechama Kopelman

GMS: Ms. Raena Hordish

Health and Safety

Medical Emergencies

Rabbi Chaim Glazer (EMT)

Building Security

Mr. Chaim Morgan

Development & Finance


Rabbi Avrohom Niman

Tuition Contracts

Rabbi Avrohom Niman

Tuition Payments

Mrs. Joan Ganchrow

Scholarships (incl. Step Up for Students, McKay, Gardiner, AAA, VPK)

Rabbi Avrohom Niman

Donations and Day of Learning Sponsorships

Rabbi Avrohom Niman

Academic/Student-Related Issues

Bishvili Student Learning Support (ELE/BMS/GMS)

Mrs. Rachel Leubitz

Elementary Guidance Counselors

Mrs. Margalit Jacobs, LCSW

Mrs. Rosie Ehrenfeld, LCSW

Mr. Benjamin Dessau, MSW

BMS Coordinator of Guidance

Rabbi Shalom Yachnes, LMFT

GMS Guidance Counselor

Mrs. Yael Goldberg, MS, NCSP

Admissions and Student Records


Mrs. Rebecca Hochman

Registration, Student Records, Family Information Updates

Mrs. Miriam Wealcatch

Registration Payments

Mrs. Joan Ganchrow

Daily Logistics

Division Front Offices:

Informing of Absences, Carpool Changes, General Questions

ECC: Mrs. Chana Glassner

ELE: Ms. Shifra Sugerman

UBC: Mrs. Nadine Rosenblatt

GMS: Mrs. Ruth Stuart (AM) ; Ms. Lily Greenfield (PM)

Hot Lunch

Ms. Malka Rappaport

TABR Community

PTO Presidents

Weekly TABR Newsletter and Advertising

Mrs. Hindy Chanales

Simcha and Condolence Emails

Mrs. Rebecca Hochman

To email a staff member, please use the first initial of the first name and complete last name followed by (i.e.