PTO Chanukah Gelt for teachers and staff

Have the opportunity to show your appreciation and contribute via credit card below.
These gifts will be divided between all Torah Academy staff in preschool through 8th grade. 

Dear Torah Academy Parents,

With the arrival of Chanukah, it is an ideal time to show our great appreciation to our children's teachers and school staff who work incredibly hard each day – caring, nurturing and teaching our children.

Our children's chinuch is essential and indispensable in our lives, and we have immeasurable hakaras hatov to their hard-working teachers and staff.  We encourage every family to share personal notes and expressions of thanks separately with their children's teachers, and to participate in our collective gift to the extent you are able.

Please submit your gift money by Thursday, December 7th
. Please pay by credit card below.

Recommended donation is $36 per child; please feel free to give according to your ability. All funds collected through this initiative will be divided among the full TABR staff in all our divisions.

Thank you for participating in this important gesture of appreciation!

Wishing you and your family a happy Chanukah,

Mrs. Michal Zisquit

Participant Information

Thank you so much for your participation!

Suggested gift is $36 per child

Additional Sponsorship


Current Total: